The surrounding farms offer products of vegetable and animal origin, which come exclusively from their own cultivation and breeding:
– hams, cold cuts and sausages
– pickled cucumbers
– compotes and jams, jam in various flavours
– milk, butter, cottage cheese, cheese

– honey
– Eggs from free-range hens

Food from small, family farms, without preservatives and enhancers is a chance for healthy development of children and reduction of civilization diseases.

Chickens, ducks, fish, pigs and cows are raised here and thanks to these animals, we can enjoy fresh homemade dairy products, milk and butter, country sausages (ham, bacon), lard, pate and brawn as well as free-range eggs almost all year round.

Our surroundings are free from industry and by every house there are fruit trees, bushes, gardens are full of vegetables so you can taste homemade jam, compotes, pickles (cucumbers, beetroots, pumpkins) which are free from chemicals.
